Fall Retreat 2024

Middle and High School retreat from October 4-6th at Camp LeTourneau! We will be talking about sharing faith in all areas of life.


- $125 a student for overnight campers
- $90 for Day Campers
- Financial Aid available* Contact [email protected] for more info.
- Cost goes towards renting the camp, meals and snacks for all students, t-shirts, band, and bus, transportation.


- Evening of Friday October 4th through the late morning of Sunday October 6th
- Camp LeTourneau on Canandaigua Lake.
(Pick-up and drop-off at Camp. Carpooling recommended)
- Current 7th-12th Grade students

What will be taught?

We will be studying scripture and participating in different breakouts to better understand what it looks like to live as a christian. Now that many of us are "All In", what's next? We will look at habits like rest, prayer, community, and more.

Why a Retreat?

Although we are always teaching God's word and pointing our students towards Christ, on retreats students get extended time with peers, leaders, and learning about God's love for them. When a whole weekend is devoted to being "unplugged" from the world and "plugged-in" to Christ, this often yields significant moments of faith in our students.Whether student's make a pivotal decision in their walk with Christ, or grow in deeper in Christ-centered community with their leaders/peers, retreats are great tool for students to grow closer to God and to others.
Also, retreats are a great on-ramp for students looking to join our youth group.


Medication will be self-carry and self-administered on the trip. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message us.

Safety Precautions

All students will have a leader who is their primary point for supervision and contact throughout the entire day and during the night. These leaders can be contacted by parents at anytime if something needs to be communicated to their student.


[email protected] for any questions you may have

Packing List

- 1 suitcase
- Notebook (will be used)
- Bible
- Pen or Pencil
- Casual Clothes for Large group Sessions
- Gym clothes for games
- Outfit to get messy
- Long Sleeved Shirt or hoody for night-time temperatures
- Swimsuit (no formal dress code. As always, teach our students to honor God and His beauty in all they do, including the way they express themselves and view others)
- Close toed shoes for games
- Towel
- Sleeping Bag
- Pillow
- Personal Hygiene Items
- Pajamas
- Snacks
- Student Phone usage is NOT permitted on the trip. This includes smart watches. Our goal is to foster community and eliminate distraction and truly "retreat". All leaders will have phones if parents need to get in contact with students. Numbers will be provided to parents to get in touch. We recommend keeping student's phones at home.

Retreat Schedule

2024 Fall Retreat ScheduleFRIDAY
5:00-6:00 PM: Student Check-In/Unpack – Free Time
6:00 PM: Dinner
7:00 PM: Welcome/Game/Worship
8:00 PM: Session #1
8:30 PM: Small Group
10:50 PM: In Cabins
11:30 PM: Lights Out
7:30 AM: Wake Up
8:00 AM: Day Camper Drop-Off
8:00 AM: Morning Devotions
8:10 AM: Leader Prayer
8:30 AM: Breakfast
9:15 AM: Games + Worship
10:20 AM: Session #1
10:55 AM: Head to Small Group Location
11:00 AM: Small Groups
11:30 AM: Free Time
12:00 PM: Lunch
12:45 PM: Large Group Game
2:30 PM: Free Time (Paintball and Archery Tag Available)
5:00 PM: Dinner
6:00 PM: Extended Game/Extended Worship
7:15 PM: Session #3
8:15 PM: Small Groups
9:00 PM: Large Group Game (Leader Scavenger Hunt?)
10:00 PM: Day Camper Pick-Up
Optional: Bonfire Worship
10:50 PM: In Cabins
11:30 PM: Lights Out
7:30 AM: Wake Up
8:00 AM: Day Camper Drop-Off
8:00 AM: Morning Devotions
8:10 AM: Leader Prayer
8:30 AM: Breakfast
9:00 AM: Session #4/ Worship/ Reflection
10:00 AM: Check-Out